Saturday, October 27, 2012

Module 9 Video Reviews

1. Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above. 
 I chose the two videos, The Drawings of Michaelangelo and Albrecht Durer: Image of a Master, because they were interesting and inspiring. Art history is displayed and explained thoroughly which also relate to our test in many ways.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The Drawings of Michelangelo video discussed many interesting facts. His works of art are known to all and can be seen in the British Museum where art student are able to view more than ninety of these sketched drawings. Michelangelo focused on creating masterpieces that impacted other artists for centuries and even presently inspires numerous amounts of people. Many of his drawings were destroyed because he was a projectionist and did so himself. He was intrigued with the shape and form of bodies and based a lot of his ideas on this. He also taught himself to sculpt which is difficult to do. Paintings and sculptures were of importance to Michelangelo because he had a passion to create things that were of a mystery or better than others.
Albrecht Durer was an artist known in the era of the Renaissance and spend a lot of his time in Venice, Italy, where he became even more inspired than he had in the past. Not only a painter but a printmaker being able to print numerous amounts of paintings to be sold for profit. Working on a grid helped him to master his drawings and paintings. This allows Durer to create the perfect masterpiece by using circles, triangles and squares. The grid allows everything to flow together in unison. Also, this allows the artist to make the image bigger. Everything from peasants to architecture inspired his work. The Apostles painting was most known and unique. This painting left an impression for many years to come.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
Albrecht Durer video relates to the history of paintings in the text by reflecting on the Renaissance’s beauty and importance.
The Drawings of Michelangelo video relates by how the paintings and sculptures are explained. The ideas and steps taken to create are shown by artists of our generation.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
 This visual representations helps us as students to envision how it was in the past for artists. The challenges of the world and how to create masterpieces that have been around for centuries is explained in both films. The history sets the mood for the time and essence giving an understanding of the concepts that we will never forget.

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