Saturday, October 20, 2012

Module 8 Video Review

1. Explain why you selected each of the videos you choose from the selection listed above. 
I chose the videos because they seemed of interest to me. I wanted to learn more about the ones that I chose to get a better understanding of the past ancient times. The video somewhat related to each other yet were different in some ways too.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
More Human Than Human video discussed history of the human body and how it was created in reference to our ancient ancestors. Nomads were key in the discovery and impacted the Venice of Willendorf. Many countries created replicas of her because she symbolized fertility by its emphasis on her breasts, stomach and private areas. Her arms, legs, back and head were left unfinished and give us a sense of wonder as to why Venice was created this way. In 1972 an Italian man, Stefano Mariottini, was finishing up his summer vacation. He noticed, while spearfishing that of a human figured buried in the sand at the base of the water. Later known as the Riance Bronzes, these figures were the greatest ever made. Such detail could not be created today and will remain a mystery. The human body is of influence not only in the past but the future as well.

The Greek Awakening video focused on key points of the Greek Parthenon that symbolized Athena on one side and Poseidon on the other. This once had a building inside of it and was used for a temple, church, mask and historical landmark. Back in time, thousands of years ago, parts were bombed and destroyed when battles were going on. Today, restoration is key in preserving what is left and adding to make it new. Keeping what is known in history and preserving for the future.

The Measure of All Things video focused on the human body in relation to Greece conveying it to feelings and emotions. This culture was spread throughout history and even though we cannot prove the meaning since we do not have written documentation, we can only assume. The materials such as statues found in history, help to understand meanings. The revolution of art is discovered by the human anatomy. The ideal body is a symbol of the Greek history and what is known as the human body. Many statues are represented throughout the video that gives important meaning to the Greek history of the gods in reference to the human being. The Greek artists produced realism and beauty in forms and paintings. Every body has a particular shape that gives life and understanding.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
More Human Than Human video related to the text by how it brings a few lessons together. It expanded on how the nomads created the “Venice of Wallendorf” and related it to other images throughout ancient times, including Greece and Egypt. The human form was and still is the most important image studied. The many discoveries throughout time impacted how we relate to the future of our society. The human body is know to many as the most looked at image and can also be the most criticized.

The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century video focused on the symbolism of the Parthenon. This relates to our text by how the structure and ideas were described. This is a visual experience of the meaning behind the Greek awakening and what is represented for our future. If we know the past, we will know who we are as people and strive for our future.

The Measure of All Things video related to the text by how it focused on the important Greek history of form in relation to the human body. It explained material used to create such statues that influences artists for years to come. 

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts? 

The films were very good. I thought that it was great to expand my knowledge of the ancient history. I had learned about western civilization but did not always understand completely the details of most of it. It is amazing to reference the art in this history and love learning new things. The videos add depth to the readings and art concepts because they give life and visual representation. I found video on the Venice of Willendorf most interesting and glad that I learned more about this ancient figure.

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