Saturday, September 22, 2012

Value Scale & Color Wheel

Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.

The value scale was quite difficult and took me many attempts to achieve the end result. I feel that it would take me a long time to actually master this skill because I would have to learn how to get down the right consistency This takes a lot of patience as well as a steady hand. The color wheel took me about just as long if not longer. I was finally able to master all the primary and secondary colors except the black. The consistency did not come out as planned.

Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?

I enjoyed working with my camera because I am very familiar with how it is used. I was able to take a very clear picture of the color wheel and value scale that I created. I also believe that taking a clear picture of the work makes it stand out more that a scanned document.

What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?

The most important discovery in the creation of theses studies is patience and hard work. If one does not have the time and dedication towards the project, it would not look as good. When working on the value scale and color wheel, I noticed how intrigued I was doing so. I wanted to take my time and truly do the best that I could do.

What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?

The most important information from the value scale video was the steps that were taken to creative it. The color wheel demonstrated a visual presentation in order to create primary and secondary colors. The videos helped me to understand what the actual task was and the detail that needs to be put into it. It is one thing to read directions but much more clear cut when watching a video. Both were education pieces that definitely put everything into perspective.

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