Saturday, September 8, 2012


For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The CARTA video had two different perspectives that were both interesting in many ways.
-I learned that art evolves from the brain and is determined by how it truly functions.
-Emotions, feelings and consciousness are affected when determining art and aesthetics. Art is something more than what we make of it. The meaning is broad.
-There is science in art but it is how we perceive it that makes it important to the viewer and artist. Art is by far influenced by culture and is universal.
-Art is important to every person who experiences and expresses it.
The Aesthetics video is based on artists who influenced the philosophy of art.
-This speaks of the history of several different philosophers. All of which have their own view and importance on aesthetics.
-Beauty is portrayed in art and explains that they are completely different from each other.
-”Human beings have a sense of beauty in harmony.”
-Even if something is not beautiful, it can be beautified.
-Plato influenced other philosophers to expand on his ideas and make them their own.

Which philosopher's theory on aesthetics do you feel is most important? Be sure to mention the philosophers name, era (time in history), and contribution to the aesthetic theory in your response.
The philosopher whose theory on aesthetics is most important is Plato, 4th Century B.C. He speaks of beauty as significant to any work of art. Aesthetics can be described as beauty in harmony. Perfections are attracted to the idea that it is contemplated and not always taken seriously. The art work often confuses people into thinking that the subject matter is fake. It is presented and suited for anything. All of which are very important to know the meaning behind any and all works of art. The video describes Plato as having an active treason against the “idea.”It is how we perceive the art and display the actual thought processes.

What do you think about Changeux and Ramachandran scientific view of aesthetics and art? What was the most interesting fact you discovered from each speakers lecture?
Changeux focused more on his presentation from his computer slideshow. He explained the scientific structures by showing images of the brain’s thought processes and related them to the definitions of several terms that are proven to be art and aesthetics. Changeux explained the discovery of tools, symmetry, symbolism and artistic composition. All of which are important to his speech. The most interesting fact that he spoke of was when he simply said that “art makes us aware.” I believe that this is one hundred percent true in all aspects of art and especially aesthetics. An artists conception of the world is displayed in a single piece of art.When we are “aware” this means that we are interested and want to learn or understand what is in front of us.
Ramanchandron’s scientific view is more visual and too the point. He demonstrates a lot of visual images that are used as examples in his speech. This helps to understand the messages that he is trying to display to his listeners. Also, Ramanchandron demonstrated great stage presence and sense of humor that made everything he said more interesting especially when he explained the eight laws of aesthetics. Each law is universal to every culture. Seeing is believing. Ramanchandron showed many images/statues that highly related to his lecture’s meaning. He made his presentation vivid!

How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos give a more visual aspect to the readings in the text. They relate by how history is explained and the importance of aesthetics in art. The videos and the text coincide with each other with a sense of unity and understanding. Both display beauty’s significance in art and how this can sometimes be used against specific artists.

What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics in your reading?
I believe that the films are interesting in different ways. The Aesthetics video focuses on philosophers history of art and the way it was portrayed back in time. The CARTA video depicts the science of the brain and relates it to art and aesthetics importance. The videos add depth to the understanding of the topics of the reading because they support views and show another way of how to visualize meanings and facts. Some students may think that the video portrays a more interesting approach to the material in the text. I believe that the more spontaneous a speaker intends to be will help the listeners understand the message being taught. I guess it depends on the person and why they choose their preferred method to learning.

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